Mitigation & Sentencing Advocate
Florida Andrews, Mitigation Consultant is a nationwide advocate with a background in criminal justice, human services, sociology, social work, and has an extensive background in capital cases. Ms. Andrews was the Director of the Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency Children and Family Division, Director CEO of the Children’s Visitation Program in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Corrections for over 25 years. Ms. Andrews was mentored by the late Lloyd Powell, Chief Public Defender for many years as well as the retired presiding Washtenaw County Judge Circuit Court Judges.
Ms. Andrews was an active affiliate member of the State of Michigan Bar Association until she retired and relocated to the State of Florida where she continued her mitigation mission and continues her work throughout the state and mitigates nationwide when the time presents. As an independent contractor, Ms. Andrews is dedicated to improving the outcome for juvenile and adult offenders involved in the criminal justice system. Ms. Andrews partners with the community; clients and their families; lawyers; judges, prosecutors, etc., to develop holistic, humanizing narratives that mitigate the facts of each case making crucial connections to community resources; and providing education, healthcare, housing, and employment to improve the outcome and avoidance of recidivism.
Title 18 U.S. Code Sec 3661 Use of Information for sentencing U.S. Code/U.S.Law/ “No limitation shall be placed on the information concerning The background, character, and conduct of a person convicted of an offense which a court of the United States may receive And consider for the purpose of imposing an appropriate sentence